Have modern world became sex slaves? How hookups are affecting your physiological beings?

By - Abhudai Pal


Every night in clubs all over the world, young ladies and gentlemen sing, dance and party hard. They met new acquaintances, shares a drink, To be precise, requests to buy a drink for the new stranger. Two people discuss their sorrow and told each other that, How the whole world is conspiring to ruin their life's happiness?

The discussion between two people of same or opposite sex,
give them a reason to stay in a hotel room or their apartment just for the night and forget everything after that night.

Well, this culture or phenomenon is known as “HOOK UP”, but does hook up only include sharing of a drink, being together in a hotel room and only talking to each other whole night and just for that night!!!

For the sake of simplicity. In this article, I have kept it simple, so Hook up in this article will mean: engaging with a stranger for a night. On that night things could start from drinks to Kisses and Hugs and even to oral sex and vaginal sex with an unsaid condition of forgetting everything about the night.

Is hooking up really an issue?

I don’t find any issue if two people of the opposite sex or same sex agree to spend time with each other after drinks.

Should such behavior be tagged immoral?

Why can't a person share his/her body with anyone he/she found attractive?

If the drama of commitment can be avoided and the ultimate result is achievable, should not hookups be embraced in our society?

Are there any psychological or physiological merits or demerits of hooking up?

Are there any externalities associated with it?

Why can’t you discuss your over club hookups at home? After all, it is an achievement on the personal level you achieved what you desire.

Should not a resume with more hookup, be offered a job as he/she is more social and have good communication skill and convincing skill too?
Why to even marry just for that one thing when a night at the club will be able to give you that “one thing”?
To be very honest, I don’t have any arguments to ban or ridicule people engaging in hook up. But neither, I had reasons to convince my conscience to engage in one. Things are quite confusing for me.
To clear my doubts, I took help from the most knowledgeable head i.e. Sir Google!
Honestly, there is no proof or research which can authenticate my belief, Hook up isn’t good, I don’t know why?
If Google won’t clear my doubts which pilgrimage possess the power to clarify my doubts. Sir, Google has something to offer and I accepted it with utmost humility.
Google guides me to the physiological effects of hookups, According to another research, people engaging in casual sex are prone to STD’s (Sexually Transmitted Disease or STI (Sexually transmitted infection). Research reports
One in 4 teens who engage in sex is affected by STD
Out of the two young people who are sexually active, one is affected by an STD
A rise in Gonorrhea and Chlamydia is found
Prevalence of syphilis
Congratulations Modern people, rural part of the world is not the victim of Hookup culture, the victim of Hook up culture is the so-called “Modern People” who have become the slaves of their uncontrollable sexual urges.  But long live the seed of ignorance in ladies/gentlemen who engage in casual sex. As in other aspect of life, in hooks up culture too, females are more vulnerable to STD’s due to the sensitivity of their genitals.
Thus avoiding moral angle, the prevalence of STD’s and STI’s, must make you think twice before you find he/she cute in a club. Meanwhile, if you think kissing a stranger is okay, Beware! AIDS might spread through kissing.

Practical Wisdom:
Hook up can fetch you STD’s or SID

Modern World has become the victim of their sexual urges

Women who engage in casual sex are vulnerable to STD's

Even mere kissing to a stranger can cause HIV

A rise of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia must frighten you

Hook up a problem of Modern world!!!


  1. Hook up is on rise due to lonilineess and emotional insecurities. This emotional insecurities exist among the people who belongs to modern world only by appearance.

    1. Precisely, the loneliness is result of detachment from family.

  2. "Even mere kissing to a stranger can cause HIV".. Last I checked this wasnt the case

    1. We used the word might before the sentence and to prove our point we attached the article source we referred to.


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