How Youth's Focus is linked with the Digital World

“I learned that focus is the key.  Not just in running a company but in your personal life as well.”

Tim Cook
When C.E.O of one of the world's largest company “Apple”, says something, he must be heard and followed. The keyword in Mr. Cook's quote is “FOCUS”

Oxford Dictionary defines the Verb Focus as a means to give attention, effort, etc to one particular subject, situation, or person rather than another.

Thus, it is wise to conclude that Focus is a vital factor in a person’s success.


But regarding focus, my findings do not assist me in reaching a meaningful and statistically significant conclusion. Because according to a report the human focus or attention ability has decreased but BBC contradicts such a claim.

On the other hand, a report suggests a positive relationship between the person screen time and his decreasing productivity.

And it’s a known fact that, if you are spending time on a cellphone, chances that you are engaged in productive activities like reading or planning your day, etc are less.

FYI - On average a smartphone user spends around 3 hours and 15 minutes using his smartphone.

Social Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest, Quora, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Tik-Tok, Hello, and many others I am not aware of. Video Streaming websites like Youtube, Netflix, Amazon, MX Player, Voot, Hotstar, etc. All of them affect your focus.

They collectively, suck the precious time of your life and make you wonder, What I did in a day?

Thus the moment I was firm to conclude that, social media is draining the Youth’s focus. A story of Forbes contradicts my claim. According to Forbes, there exists no research which says using social media affects your mental being.  While using cellphones a lot decrease productivity. What a mess the online world is!

You might agree that a major portion of a person's cellphone operating time is spent on social media sites. You might also agree that when you spend a major part of a day on social media what your brain absorbs is then pics, memes, stories, political propaganda, and short videos.

Then what you are becoming; is a meme without context, a story with no meaningful conclusion, a Bhakt of political propaganda and an irrelevant human, because if you are consciously consuming irrelevant content. How could you become relevant?


Another factor that leads to the uncontrolled use of social media is FOMO – Fear of missing out from events of no importance, parties, get-together, night outs, hangouts, etc. But I want to ask you a few questions with due respect and deepest humility.

What will happen if you didn’t see the pic of your friends partying on social media? Do you think that they will think, “This guy/girl didn’t see our uploaded pic so we must stop partying”?

Will you die if you don’t use social media?

Will Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp will terminate their platform, just because you left?

Are you so unconnected with your friends that you can only connect with them using social media? If this is the case, you deserve a psychiatrist?

And using social media directly affects your focus, in effect your productivity declines. You do not agree with me! Okay!

But, please tell me that, “How could you focus on the task at hand, when your mind is craving for the urge “Let me see what’s my friends are doing on social media”?

Significant consumers of the above social networking sites and video sharing platform belongs to the age group of 15-25 years. The age-group whose future is decided by his achievements in this period of his life.

Therefore the worst affected group from the effect of the Social networking sites and video platforms are the youth of a nation. A nation's asset! Although no available research claims that social media drains your focus if there is please let me know.

Since you have answered a few simple questions you must understand that the activity on which you spent your majority time, becomes a part of you thus creating a hindrance to focus on the task at hand. I hope that you understand, “How social media is weakening you by draining your ability to focus”?

You must be thinking about how to get back your lost focus?

Leaving social media all of a sudden is a good option but carries the potential of making you berserk. So, take time to decrease your consumption. To get your lost focus you can start meditating daily.

Visit and find any video of mindfulness meditation and Practice for a minimum of 10 minutes daily for at least a month.


Focus is a crucial skill to succeed in life.

No report which says using social media drains affect your focus.

What you consume, you become that. Pay attention to your content consumption.

The age group of 15-25 is more likely to be affected because of Social Media.

Practicing Meditation helps you to regain your lost focus.


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