I am sorry Bapu that I don't want to wish you on your 151st Birth anniversary...

Dear Bapu, 


Last year on your 150th birth anniversary, I wrote you a letter. I understand that you are busy, but a year had passed and your birthday has arrived. I want you to tell you that the circumstances have changed a lot since your last birthday. 

Mr. Gandhi leader of the masses
Today on your 151st Birth anniversary. I wanted to wish you but I won’t because you might be disheartened as well as surprised what some people have done to your society.  


Bapu, whom you called Harijans or the “people of GOD”, their condition is dismal. The system is attacking and depriving them of their right to justice. Recently, In Hathras, a girl named Manisha Valmiki was allegedly raped, her tongue was cut and, neck bones were broken. She fought hard for 14 days but unfortunately, she died.

She was not raped just once, but twice. First, the criminals belonging to the upper caste raped her. And second, the administration is still raping her in the following ways,

a) Denying a Hindu father to perform the last rites of her Hindu daughter. Isn’t that a sin?

b) The constant efforts of the administration to suppress her family  voice

Manisha Valmiki pyre
c) The grand actions are taken to prove that “She wasn’t raped” 

d) The perpetrators are protected because of their upper caste 

e) Restricting media to report and 

f) Captivating their Leader, BHEEM ARMY Chief Chandra  Shekhar

g) Manhandling India’s leader who wanted to meet her family

To me, it seems that Bapu, in your country, the Shudra's (OBCs, SC, and ST) are considered Hindu only when elections are near.

But when it comes to providing jobs, healthcare, better sanitation, cheap and better transportation, social security, etc, they are collectively called “meritless and low-caste” who are undeserving of good facilities. 

This incidence should have shuddered you, but I want to be frank about what I feel. Amidst this scenario,  I don’t have the courage to wish you and enjoy life under the pretentiousness of “Sab Changa Si”?


Bapu, Your movements of Non-Cooperation and Breaking-Salt law using non-violence taught the whole world the power of Ahimsa. 

The Indians following your path of non-violence gathered peacefully and protested against the CAA law. Bapu, I am sorry to say that if you had protested against this regime, you might be called anti-national. Despite the fact, you are protesting peacefully and within the law's ambit. 

Meanwhile, Indian media has conditioned people to think that, protesting against the government is a protest against the nation. I urge you Bapu, please teach Indians the difference between government and the nation. So, they understand that protest against the government is not a protest against the nation. 

Unfortunately, the protest ended following riots in Delhi, killing Hindus as well as Muslims. 

Now, the GoI (Government of India) is arresting all significant voices of Shaheen  Bagh protests, under UAPA. The investigations of riots are inherently biased and this issue is raised by the intellectuals. 

Bapu see bars are gifts of dissenting!

Your Speech Hate Speech

Bapu, two Indians,  Umar Khalid, and Dr. Kafil Khan gave speeches in Mumbai and Aligarh Muslim universities respectively. Their speech is called hate speech, the former is booked under UAPA and is currently in prison, while the latter was booked under the national security Act, he spent 6 months in prison and finally exonerated by the Allahabad High Court. 

Their speech was based on the idea of the Constitution, Democracy, Your thoughts, and Secularism, etc. But, their speech is called Hate Speech. 

While, Mr. Anurag Thakur, Minister of state for finance and corporate affairs, in an election speech raised slogans like “Desh Ke Gaddaron Ko” and the audience responded “Goli Maaro Saalo Ko”, is neither provocative nor hate speech. 

Bapu, as per my conscience and you will agree too that the above slogans by a Cabinet minister send a strong message that law and order have failed to identify and convict people posing threat to national security.

Isn’t that a brazen insult to India’s intelligence agencies? And this is explicitly calling them a failure. Bapu, please send a personal note to the GoI and India’s Judiciary regarding, "What is hate speech”?  

Bapu, One more thing I desperately want you to do regarding the Indian Judiciary is that, please explain to them the concepts of Democracy, the meaning of independent Judiciary, their powers, and the role they play in strengthening democracy

Communal Harmony and You 

Bapu, I am so thankful to you for your efforts to nurture communal harmony in this nation and making everyone believe that “India is a land of where people of a different religion can live peacefully”. 

But, a member of parliament, Mr. Pravesh Verma gave a statement,  “They (CAA protestors) will rape your mothers, daughters, and daughters”. 

Before, moving further, I would like to inform you that the man who appears to care about your daughter and sisters hasn't uttered a word regarding Hathras case. Mr. Verma, they raped or Who raped? Where is your sympathy for Hindu?

I always wonder, Bapu, we(Hindu and Muslims) have lived in the same nation for centuries. Some unfortunate events do take place, and now both communities want to progress and prosperity and both have moved on. 

But, naming and shaming a community with vile charges of raping is taught by which Dharma, Bapu? I want to know. 

Bapu, my sincere apologies but I had to tell you this, last year on your 150th Birth Anniversary, #GodseAmarRahe was trending. It seems that the morality and spirituality you advocated for is sucked from India's soul.

Bapu, incidences like hordes of assailants beating JNU students, Delhi-police mercilessly thrashing Jamia Students, Transparent nature of PMCARES, shots fired after Anurag Thakur call of “Desh Ke Gaddaro ko” in Jamia, Celebrities lives matter and laborers life is not life, India’s Media and false narrative,  GoI thrust for privatization (Feudalism), etc will compel you to ponder what happened to my country?

Besides all the adverse situations, people like Prashant Bhusan are an immense source of hope that some things are still in place.

The glimmer of hope amidst all the fuss is that, the love you showered on Indians, the way you nurture this country-soul when it was developing and your lessons of non-violence are so deeply ingrained in India’s DNA, that the admirers of the man who shot you, dare not utter a word against you in public spaces. 

Sorry Bapu, I could not wish you best wishes on your birthday as you have always said never go against the voice of your conscience. 

Your nation's Child 

Abhudai Pal 


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