Nehru - The P.M. whom Indian's failed because of false and regressive narrative

By - Abhudai Pal 

Disclaimer - This write-up is based on the author's imagination. Resemblance to reality is mere coincidence. 

Happy Children's day! Today is the birthday of India's first Prime-minister Jawaharlal Nehru. 

Many people praise Nehru. However, I have plenty of interesting facts about Mr. Nehru, which were kept "secret." 

  • Nehru – The cause of Unemployment in India 

The unemployment you are witnessing today is the result of his policy failures. He did not invest in infrastructure development. Mr. Nehru did not build dams, canals to improve irrigation, and manufacturing was not his priority.

His sole priority was living a luxurious life. 

However, the setting up of the Planning Commission, the building of educational Institutions like IIT's, the establishment of Public Sector Enterprise, etc., are just farces. The brain behind all these is Mr. Patel. 

  • Nehru and Prison 

Many Indians are taught that he spent a decade or so in prison. But my dear friend, let me update you. He went to jail not to strengthen India's movement for Independence. The real reason was he was looking for a safe place to stay and enjoy food without working. 

You will say what an argument. But believe me, this is the fact. And what you read in the history textbook is manipulated and part of a larger conspiracy. I will WhatsApp you the actual history pdf, the one written with an extraordinary level of meticulousness. 

  • Nehru, Children's Day, and Patel 

A myth about Mr. Nehru taught in school books is that his birthday is celebrated as Children's day because he loved children. 

But my friend, believe me. His birthday is celebrated as Children's day because he had childish nature. And few history Pdf's from WhatApp University curriculum also states with evidence that he was made P.M. instead of Mr. Patel because that fellow said, "I will not talk to anyone if I am not made P.M." 

As we know, the magnanimity of Mr. Patel. He fulfilled a child's desire, and Finally, he was Made P.M. Then, Mr. Nehru talked with everyone. 

And please, do not question my sources as they are pious, and I have a profound belief in them. 

  • Nehru the haunter 

Have you ever thought about the reason behind why honorable P.M. of India Mr. Modi keeps recalling Nehru in his speeches? 

As we know, all P.M. of India shares the same house. So, at night Mr. Nehru's soul haunts the present P.M. of India. To avenge Mr. Nehru's haunting, P.M. Modi blames him for every issue like Kashmir, Covid, Vaccination, Election, Black money, Unemployment, etc. 

Isn't this a wise strategy of our beloved P.M. to avenge? 

It is indeed. Not agreeing to this can reward you with Sedition or NSA or UAPA or all three of them based on your name and place. 

  • Nehru and polarization 

At the time of Independence, India saw a lot of bloodsheds. 

Have you thought about the reason for so? Undoubtedly, Mr. Nehru, unlike his friend Mr. Jinnah, did not advocate for a nation based on religion. 

If he had advocated for the same, then there was no bloodshed. It was his brain conviction that people with different religious identities could live together. And his conviction cost several lives. 

Just see Pakistan. How happy and developed as a nation are they because they made a country based on religious laws. 

While Mr. Nehru's vision for India was based on rationality, constitutionalism, and scientific-temper. 

Source - WhatsApp University 

Course - M.A. (New History)

Practical Wisdom

Endless things can be said about Mr. Nehru and WhatsApp University's intense researched curriculum on him. 

Concluding in words of John Lebanon 

"When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system's game. The establishment will irritate you, pull your beard, flick your face - to make you fight. Because once they have got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they do not know how to handle is non-violence and humor". 


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