CAA-NRC-NPR. Will the weird name guy, be in or out of NRC?
By - Abhudai Pal CAA-NRC-NPR is the most inflammable topic in India. Some are in favor of this while some others are opposing it vehemently. In the entire wholesome, those who didn’t get a place in any category are the bunch of confused some. I met many confused ladies and gentlemen. One guy, in particular, was so awesome that he made me confused about his situation. What’s your opinion of CAA-NRC-NPR? I asked the guy curiously. I expected some intellectually loaded arguments with mention of the constitution of India, Article 14, Right to equality, Preamble, etc. But the guy replied: “Oh, what’s that?” At his 3 word answer, I was dumbstruck. From my observation, I can say that the man was in his mid-30s. I told him the entire thing about CAA-NRC-NPR . Then I asked him, “So what do you think now”? He asked me how will this affect him? I told him that when NRC will be implemented you have to submit some documents to the Government of India as proof of your citizenship. “Some docum...